We had a good time in St. George last week-end. It was delightful to have Jacob and Sydni with us - Jacob just talked and talked all the way down. He told us there were ten places he wants to live in the world when he grows up: Iceland, Rome, Egypt, Spain, New York City, Constantinople (Ray and I looked at each other - Constantinople???), Houston, Hurricane, Australia and maybe Elk Ridge. Then he proceeded to tell us how Iceland was named and why, about the pyramids of Egypt and how they were built . . . we were pretty impressed with this second grader! And Sydni was telling us about different people in mythology . . . These children are enjoying their learning and I am grateful for the good teachers and staff at C.S. Lewis Academy.

The artiste and his amazing critters! Jacob has shown artistic talent since he was very small

Friday morning we went to see the Jacob Hamblin home in Ivins and they liked that. We learned that the little poem, "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite," orginated because the pioneers had to tighten the ropes under their mattresses and because the mattresses were filled with straw, often bugs would come out at night! J & S were quite in awe at the pioneer life, they especially liked the way they turned the plates on the table upside down to keep the flies and dust off them and turned the chairs around, facing away from the table to remind them to have family prayer. So for the rest of the week-end, that is how Jacob would set the table.

Picnic lunch at the playground - notice the cool sunglasses!

After our visit and tour , we made a visit to the Dollar Store. It was interesting to watch them choose and decide what they were going to buy with their money. Jacob considered each item carefully and took some things back; he took two dollars home with him. Sydni was like a busy little bee in the store and put things in the cart, then took them back out; she had her money all spent in minutes and then some! How delightful to see their different personalities in their choices. We so enjoyed watching them and interacting with them.

Jacob wanted a mohawk Friday, so we suggested he wait and wear it hiking on Saturday, so after Aunt Tiffany arrived, she "did hair-do's" and painted nails.

Hiking the crack at Pioneer Park - it is very narrow - some of us didn't fit!

Some of the lava flows at Johnson Canyon.

Tiffany and Brett came down Saturday and we went hiking at Pioneer Park and Snow Canyon, had a picnic, shopped a little, returned to the condo and had Tiffany's birthday dinner and played games and watched movies.

Mmmm . . . Jacob & Sydni gave Aunt Tiff a box of her favorite cereal and some new nail polish for her birthday!
1 comment:
Well I'm bumbed you guys didn't come and say hi! Remember for next time :) Glad that you guys had a nice weekend. The weather has been awfully nice lately!
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