"Grandchildren are loving reminders of what we're really here for." ~ Anonymous
Charlie at his last soccer game this season |
We so enjoy going to watch the grandchildren when they play sports, or perform in school plays and have special programs, just as we did when our children were growing up. Our closest grandchildren will be moving away shortly to North Dakota, so we will really miss them and going to all of their special events! The last couple of weeks have brought lots of events as schools are winding down and preparing for summer break, so we have savored the moments while we still can.
Sydni - running in the 100m dash at the Hershey's |
Sydni took a close second place in her heat, but if the race would have been timed, she would have gone on to the finals, as it was a really fast heat. She did a great job!
Kourtni's Kindergarten Graduation |
The Kindergartners entertained us with some delightful music and what they loved best about school. They sang several songs, but my favorite was a song about the ABC's and they signed ASL during the whole song. We loved it when they all threw their caps into the air ~ delightful!
Jacob ~ teaching us about Utah History |
Jacob's 4th Grade class performed three different plays in the morning, plays that they had adapted from children's books: "Strudwick, A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing," and "The Perfect Nest," are the two that I remember. Then, after lunch, they presented a Utah History Program that was terrific! They had learned at least ten songs and new them well, as they sang with gusto! In between, they each had several speaking parts teaching us about Utah's History. It was a great program! Kudos to Mrs. I and all her fourth graders for a job well done!