"A friend is aperson with whom I may be sincere. Before him, I may think aloud." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Paula, Ann & Carolyn - outside our condo in St George
A few friends from book club got together and we spent a couple of fun days at the Shakespearean Festival in Cedar City. We had a great time! The plays were wonderful and the company delightful ~ it was a great summer getaway!

RaeLee, Suzanne, Paula, Haru, Carolyn, Ann & Caitlyn in front of a display from the play, "Private Lives." The actors do a great job, the sets were amazing - the time just whizzes by and soon the play is over!

Here we all are outside the replica of the Globe Theater. The Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City has been going for 48 years . . . I've just been a couple of times in the last few years - but it is always well worth the time and money to go! They also have a Neil Simon Festival going in Cedar City and we went to see "Harvey" - it was delightfully funny. The Hertiage Center is a beautiful theater, but instead of sitting in the normal seats in the auditorium, they had placed the seating right on the stage - so we were only a few feet from the actors - it was terrific to have such a close view of what was going on, their facial expressions, etc . . .we really enjoyed that new experience and will go again!

We topped off our two days with a dinner at the Garden House Restaurant in Cedar City, and it is highly recommended! The food was delicious~!

Ann, RaeLee, Sandy, Haru, Carolyn, Caitlin, Paula & Suzanne outside the Garden House Restaurant.