James came to stay with us for a few days and one day, he told me he needed some paper, so he could "write a letter to Santa." He specified it needed to be "Really big paper!" So, I got the old calendar and gave it to him with some washable markers and he, very seriously, wrote and wrote and wrote. He worked at this for quite some time - probably about an hour . . . and had filled at least ten pages with his artwork. When he was done, he was showing me all of his artwork and so I asked him what he was asking Santa for?
He looked at me, a little perplexed and said, "I am not asking him for anything, Grandma, I am writing him a Thank you letter. I want to tell him Thank you for all my toys!" Then he asked me to write that on the letter and to tell Santa that he hopes he can go fishing now!
My heart was touched deeply and I am so grateful for this lovely child who taught me today how to look at life every single day ~ with gratitude and joy! I am supposed to mail this letter to Santa, but I love to look at it everyday.
"First Seek to Obtain My Word"
3 weeks ago