"A thing of beauty is a joy forever; its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness." ~ John Keats
About a month ago, we checked this book out of the library, "Utah Byways," and liked it so much that we purchased a copy online~ it is a great resource for finding beautiful backroads and exploration. Our first drive was the Skyline Drive that goes from Spanish Fork Canyon over to Fairview and I highly recommend it! We took the Suburban, but you could do it in a 2-wheel drive vehicle.
Some of the spectacular views

It was so breath taking~ I wanted to go sit in the middle of it and just breathe purple!
The wildflowers were so varied and lovely

We came across a field full of sheep and a shepherd on horseback. He (or someone) had written "God Bless America! "

across the field in rocks ~ we hardily echo that prayer. We are so blessed to live in this amazing, beautiful country~ and we know where those blessing originate from! I don't know how anyone could see such amazing beauty and not know that their is a Divine Source of all this goodness, the good Shepherd is our Savior, He lives and He loves us!