Sunday, March 22, 2009

Blessings of the Temple

The Draper temple was dedicated today, so the temple has been in my thoughts throughout the day. I am so grateful for the temple. I love the peace that I feel when I go there; the thoughts of insight and inspiration I get on occasion help me and guide me. I enjoy the quiet, the beauty, the strength of the spirit that is felt in the temple. I am so grateful for the answers to prayers that I have received in the temple, for comfort, peace and understanding. I feel Heavenly Father's love and caring for each one of us, his children, when I go there and know that He is near. It has been such great joy and blessings without measure to see each one of my children and their wonderful spouses there in the temple; I am so grateful for that sealing power that goes beyond this life and into eternity, binding us as an eternal family.

A friend gave a talk in church today and she mentioned a quote from Elder Vaughn J Featherstone listing twelve blessings we receive by spending a half a day a month in the temple.

  1. If a man you will be mighty, a woman powerful.
  2. It will serve as a great "insurance" protection for your marriage.
  3. The blessing of the Eternal God will be called down upon you and great spiritual growth will be yours.
  4. Unseen angels will watch over your loved ones when satanic forces tempt them.
  5. Your families will draw close to the Lord and there will be no empty chairs in the Celestial Kingdom.
  6. Your children will go on missions.
  7. Your children will get married in the temple.
  8. The veil will be thin, you will have great spiritual growth and many spiritual experiences will distill upon you. We will receive exaltation.
  9. You will be prepared for exaltation-with a Celestial body, Celestial mind and Celestial personality.
  10. You will be come receptive to divine guidance and you will receive spiritual perception to help you grapple with problems and cares.
  11. You will see clearly how to make critical decisions that weigh heavily on your mind.
  12. You will become Christ-like.

I am so grateful for the temple, and for the plan of salvation, for modern revelation, for the restoration of the gospel, for a prophet who lives and guides us, for a Savior whose amazing grace and loving mercy extend to each of us and lift, strengthen and fill our lives with light. He lives! I know He lives!

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