Sunday, April 10, 2011

Grizzlies Hockey

 "We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee." ~ Marian Wright Edelman

 Brittany, Hunter, Cory, Charlie, Jacob and Ashton - waiting for the game to begin
 In action
 Arianne, James, Sandy, Jacob, Brittany, Charlie
 Brittany and Ashton, cheering the Grizzlies on
 Jacob, Sandy, Charlie - and lots of cotton candy!
- Aren't grandchildren pure joy?

Birthday Celebrations on Conference Week-end

"Recognizing that we have a heavenly family helps us understand the eternal nature of our earthly families." Richard J Maynes, Establishing a Christ Centered Home
It was great to see Damien, he drove 16 hours to be home for Danielle's birthday
They have such a lovely family~ Kourtni, Jacob, Sydni, Allyson, Damien, Mason and Danielle

Nathanial and Charlie
We so enjoyed having family here over conference week-end.  Arianne, James and Mason came for the week-end.  Charlie had Spring Break, so he came on Tuesday and spent the week with us.  Charlie and I had lots of fun - he is so observant and has such a keen intellect, it is fascinating to talk to him and he thinks deeply about the world and the people in it.  We started reading, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, went for a picnic in the park, played lots of Wii games, went to a Grizzly hockey game, and he helped me with lots of things around the house, like making cakes, strawberry pie, etc.  
 This is Arianne and Will's baby,Nathanial - he is filling out and is such a cute little boy!
Damien, Mason and Danielle
James is really into "pretending and make-believe" right now and his favorite character, lately, is Peter Rabbit, so we made him a rabbit cake for his birthday
We celebrated James, Danielle's and Arianne's birthday Sunday in between and after conference.

Conference Week-end

"Hearken . . . and hear the words of a prophet of the Lord." Jacob 5:2
Twice a year we get to "sit at the feet of the prophet and apostles and hear the words of counsel, guidance and hope. We just listened to the 181st General Conference and I so look forward to this week-end and always find myself wishing for just one more day when it is over.  I find the talks uplifting, inspired and just what I need to hear.  There are so many things in my life I need to work on and improve it sometimes seems overwhelming, but as I listen I know exactly what I need to work on for the next six months. These are a few of the things that stood out in conference this year to me.
  • The Lord hears and answers our prayers, but those answers often come through other people. "Because the Lord hears their cries and feels your deep compassion for them, He has from the beginning of time provided ways for His disciples to help. He has invited His children to consecrate their time, their means, and themselves to join with Him in serving others." ~ President Henry B Eyring. And from ElderDavid A Bednar, "as we honor our covenants and keep the commandments, as we strive ever more consistently to do good and to become better, we can walk with the confidence that God will guide our steps.
  • Strengthen the family  "The most important way to teach to be is to be the kind of parents to our children that our Father in Heaven is to us. He is the one perfect parent, and He has shared with us His parenting manual—the scriptures." ~Lynn G Robbins
  • Our trials teach us and refine us in ways that help us the most, "No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude, and humility. … It is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire.”~ Kent F Richards quoting Orson F Whitney
  • Make whatever sacrifices are necessary to attend the temple -"Those who understand the eternal blessings which come from the temple know that no sacrifice is too great, no price too heavy, no struggle too difficult in order to receive those blessings."~ President Thomas S Monson
On Saturday, we were out flying kites with Jacob, Charlie and James in between conference sessions . . . on Sunday, we had over a foot of snow!