Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lovin' those Grands!

"There is a reason they are called "Grand"children - because they are just that!" ~ Sandy O
Wake up, Papa Ray!
 We were so blessed to have Cori, Jesse, Grace, Grant and Eden come up for their Spring Break ~ it was a joy to have them here. 
Can't think of a better way to get up  - wrestling with G & G
 It was a delight to come home to these bright eyed children.  We had a great time on the trampoline, reading stories and playing games. 
Grace and Grant playing Add-On with Grammy Sandy

Eden loved jumping too - but gently
Grace and Grant had special surprises waiting for us when we got home from work - artists in the making!
Papa Ray reads his favorite story ~ Dr Suess's Sleep Book - Grant started yawining,~ and soon we were all following 

"Starring" Eden
 Eden's little face is so expressive - and she is so much fun to watch! 
Here come the Scripture Monkeys!

 Life couldn't be any sweeter than this . . .
I'm not sure how this little tradition started . . . but after scriptures, the monkeys go up on the fan. . .

. . . and they go flying to everyone's delight!

Grace reading Grammie's favorite story, "If We Could Spend a Day With You," starring Grace and Grant

Well, the week just flew by way too quickly!  We loved having you here and miss you, miss you, miss you!