Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Joy in the Journey

"Family is not an important thing, it's everything." Michael J. Fox

 We were delighted to have Damien, Danielle and their children here for a short stay.  Mason has grown up so much~ he reminds us a lot of Jacob, yet he is his own unique person as well.  He is such a sweet, affectionate child.  He would hold his arms up, to let me know he wanted to be held and he would snuggle right in and give the sweetest hugs.  He chatters and I could understand some of what he was saying, he was telling me something important, then he looked me in the eye and said what sounded like, "Don't you think so?".

Kourtni and Alli, drawing pictures

Kourni and Ally were delightful - they played so well together and on their own.  We made a bead bracelet for Ally and a purple bunny key chain for Kourtni. They helped me cook and we watched movies. They enjoy the Barbies and played for quite a while , but then when I came back upstairs, they had picked everything up and put it away, without even being asked. We so enjoyed having them here!
Sandy, Ashton, Cory, Ethan and Megan
Goooooo, Grizzzzlies! We had a delightful time at the Grizzly Hockey game against Ontario, Monday night!Thanks, John!