Our annual get-together at Maddox for Mom's birthday. That's me, Doug & Ann, Mom & Dad, Shellie & Kent, Linda & Jon - Ray's taking the photo. We got together for the first time last year, and we decided to make it an annual event. We realized that it was the first time we had all been together as grown-ups, without all the kids along, and we quite enjoyed the uninterrupted visit.
A group project! Ashton received a Tyrranusaurus Rex for Christmas - and it took a lot of expertise to get this little puzzle together! Ray, Brittany, Ashton, Ethan & Cory
Ethan and Ashton admiring the final product.
Cute little Hunter - 10 weeks old and he is over 13 lbs already!
Ashton went over to the neighbors and jumped on their trampoline this fall and every day since he has wanted to go over to "jump!" Now he can work out in the garage - at least until spring arrives and the tramp can go into the back yard.
Curious George Christmas
Special hugs on Christmas morning! Ashton & Grandma Sandy

Hunter - keeping an eye on all the presents . . .

James & Charlie playing with the LBG at Grandma & Grandpa's house.

The day before Christmas, we went up to Logan to see Ethan & Megan and deliver some gifts. Ethan gave us a tour of the Space Dynamics Laboratory on the Innovations Campus. I enjoy how he lights up as he talks about Physics!

Ashton - working on some mashed potatoes for dinner . . .
The first Christmas in nearly 30 years that we haven't had children at home for Christmas - now they are all married, we have to share them with the in-laws . . . and this is the year everyone was going to be away, so Brittany & Cory invited us up to their new home and we had a wonderful time, playing games, eating way too much food, working on the finishing of their new basement and enjoying two cute little boys. We had a lovely Christmas dinner at Cindy's home, Cory's mother and we even got an afternoon matinee movie in on Christmas Day - that was a first for us! We went to see "Seven Pounds," a movie about the ultimate gift! We recommend it!
Ashton, Papa Ray, Hunter & Grandma Sandy
Special hugs on Christmas morning! Ashton & Grandma Sandy
Hunter - keeping an eye on all the presents . . .
James & Charlie playing with the LBG at Grandma & Grandpa's house.
The day before Christmas, we went up to Logan to see Ethan & Megan and deliver some gifts. Ethan gave us a tour of the Space Dynamics Laboratory on the Innovations Campus. I enjoy how he lights up as he talks about Physics!
Ashton - working on some mashed potatoes for dinner . . .
Ashton, Papa Ray, Hunter & Grandma Sandy
December 2008