Thursday, September 29, 2016

Bowns Lake - Day 2 Enjoying the Sandy Shore

"The best kind of therapy is beach therapy!"
Cory, Ashton and Brittany
On the north side of Bowns Lake is a lovely hill with lots of great sand, a few trees for shade and lots of water to play in.
Eden - enjoying the sand at Bown's Lake

Ally, Nadia, Sydni, Jacob, Hunter, Eden ~ Bowns Lake July 6

Danielle and Mason - getting his Super Suit on!

Kourtni and Grace

Cori - the tree hugger
Damien tossed the weighted rope at least 20 times . . . it swung around that branch just as Cori was climbing the tree - - - perfect timing!
Jeffrey and Nadia, Mason, MaCaleb and Grant

Super Swimmers!
Brittany and a some of the children decided to swim across the lake to the next beach - - - it was quite a ways to swim, but they all made it there . . . and back!

Jesse and Papa Ray - enjoying the chill of the water

Cori - hey this works!
That rope swing really works!
Damien - wahooooooo!

Jesse ~ launching out

Grant - looking good!

Danielle - going out in style!

Jacob, Grant, Hunter - building a great ramp right into the lake!

Sydni - dancing in the air

Kourtni - bravely heads out over the water

Ally - swings right in and makes it look easy!

Grace and away she goes

Brittany - gets lots of air time!

Nadia -having a great sand party!

The guys discovered a snake slithering back to his den
Setting up a trap?

The children enjoyed feeling his cool, smooth skin

Damien - says he really doesn't like snakes much

Cori, Damien and Cory - just a little manly bonding

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