Thursday, June 28, 2012

Spring Soccer

"Tarry a moment to watch the chaos of a playground, crayola-colored shirts of running children, all trying out their wings."  ~Dr. SunWolf,

 We were able to go up to one of Ashton's last soccer games - and what a treat!
 This little guy hustles the whole time he is out there, has really good ball sense - he always seems to be right where he needs to be and he smiles the whole time!

Hunter ~ practicing so he'll be ready for his team next year!

Sandy, Brittany, Tiffany and Ashton ~ enjoying his after game treat.  Tiffany had flown up from Phoenix for a few days and it was a treat to have her there as well!
 On May 19th we were able to go down to Enoch to watch James' last soccer game.
 Coaches time out huddle
 Sandy, Nathanial, Charlie and Arianne - cheering James and his team on.
 Running fast!
 And a big cheer for the opposing team!
Sandy and Charlie giving Nathanial a swing back from the playground.

These are the moments I love~ playing with the grandchildren, cheering for them, watching the excitement in their eyes and seeing the joy on their faces~ life couldn't be any better than this! I am so grateful for these treasured blessings!

1 comment:

Jesse said...

We really need to get everyone in the same town. We could have a soccer team all our own! How fun you were able to be there. The boys all look so happy out there playing.