Wednesday, July 14, 2010

North to Alaska - A Visit to Crazy Sue's

Suzette, Mom and Tiffany

Dude ~ what a great pup!

Okay - so everyone kept talking about this great place in Soldatna that had an eclectic mix of second-hand and new clothes, touristy souvenirs, and fun bric-a-brac. But they warned us, it is hard to buy things there. On occasion, when they have gone up to purchase an outifit, they were told that it was no longer for sale . . . or the price had changed from $5.00 to $500.00. We had to go browse a bit and did we have a great time -- the evening gowns were spectacular! Some would make great Halloween costumes! She just had a lot of fun, quirky dresses, hats, gloves, shoes, etc. Then she had her dog "sing" for us . . . that was quite an unforgettable shopping experience, and we want to go back again - it was a terrific place!
We enjoy Chad Carpenter's Tundra cartoons - - - I am surprised Ray didn't buy this tee-shirt!

1 comment:

Ray said...

I can see that the Mad Hatter struck again at Sue's Hideaway!