Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our Beloved Bear - August 30, 2008

Our sweet friend and canine companion, Bear, left us for a better world August 30, 2008 and we miss him so much! What a wonderful, sweet dog he was ~ just a beloved part of our family. He was at least 16 years old. He loved to hike and especially liked going camping up at Payson Lakes. If there was water nearby, he was in it. He did not especially like going out in the canoe with us, but if we coaxed him, he would come and would enjoy the ride . . .

He liked having the grandchildren come - he was so gentle with the children and with other animals as well. Ashton was his special friend and he would lay down on Bear and follow him all around the house - "Beh" was one of Ashton's first words.

He especially liked snow - he liked to eat it, roll in it and play in it. On snowy mornings, he loved to go outside and stick his muzzle into the snow, he would come in covered white with snow.

Bear liked to be with his family no matter where we were . . . he followed us from room to room, outside to the garage, or out to the garden. We would like to pay tribute to this kind, loving, friendly, sweet-tempered member of our family- Bear and Nipper were "Ray's boys".
We miss you!


Jesse said...

we'll miss you Bear! Cori, Jesse, Grace, and Grant

Dwiggins said...

Hi Aunt Sandy,it's me Jamie (Bond) Dwiggins. I was so excited a few months back when Ethan invited me to view his blog. I never thought to see if other family might be linked. So today I finally jumped on and found you. I am so excited to see what is going on with the family up there, and just wanted to say hello and thank you for always contributing and keeping in touch with us even though we are the worst people to try to correspond with. Anyhow we love you, take care.

Kyle said...

I had some good times with Bear, and the other dog who's name escapes me. It's nice to find your blog Sandy :) I miss you guys! I'll never forget the summer when I stayed at your house..a lot of fun memories! Say hi to everyone! Love you guys, stop by on my blog sometime :)