Charlie demos the favorite toy . . . you guessed it - a box and some wrapping paper!

Grace checks to see what Daddy has in his stocking.

James is Swimming in presents - there were so many of us, that it was pretty much wall to wall.
The guys joined in a game of Khet and it looks like at lot of BS while the ladies were getting the children in their pjs. 
Everyone participated in the Christmas program, each family adding their special talents to the evening. Ar, Will, Charlie & James sang "I Am a Child of God." Cori, Jesse, Grace & Grant also sang and played the piano. Cory played the guitar and we sang, Britt and Ashton led us in a rousing game of Christmas Bingo. Demo, Danielle, Jacob, Sydni, Kourtni & Allyson organized the Nativity and Tiffany sang and played the piano.

Demo & Danielle planned meticulously the Nativity scene and the shepherds, angels, and wisemen arrived on schedule as Demo read the Christmas story. We actually got one shot of all our little participants in the scene at the same time (not an easy task for the photographer or parents) . . . but as you see, some of the costumes had been shed and the shepherd's crook became a little unwieldy, but nonetheless we rejoice in our Savior's birth and are grateful for His love
and atoning sacrifice. These little ones remind us what the Season is all about - they are also an extraordinary gift from a loving Father in Heaven.

Christmas was so wonderful! I love the updates on your blog.
What fun pictures. I just love Christmas.
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