Sunday, November 29, 2009

So much to be thankful for

“For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.”-
Ralph Waldo Emerson

We spent a lovely Thanksgiving Day up in Logan with Megan's parents, Steve and Janet.  Our meal was one of bounteous goodness . . . they are both excellent cooks and we so enjoyed visiting with them and playing games.  After dinner, everyone deliberated and discussed the volumes of ads for Black Friday, but there wasn't anything that really was worth getting up early for . . .

This day I am so grateful for wonderful parents who are good, salt of the earth people and have taught me so much in generosity, integrity and goodness.  I am thankful  for a dear husband and companion who I so enjoy being with, talking with, playing with and just sharing life with - Thank you for being the amazing person that you are. I am so grateful for six incredible children and their equally incredible spouses - we love you all and are so grateful that you are a part of our family . . . and those ten beautiful grandchildren that make each day just so much brighter!
I am so thankful for the restored gospel and knowing that God lives and that he loves everyone one of us, His children.  I am grateful for this beautiful country that we live in, the freedoms that we enjoy and those who have sacrificied so much on our behalf.
Friday morning, we had the opportunity to help Ethan and Megan move into their lovely new townhome. This is the view out of their living room and bedroom windows on the East side and the top two photos are of their new home.  Megan said, "It feels like we're staying in a time share or a condo . . ."  but it will soon feel like home sweet home.

Saturday we were back at Brittany and Cory's home.  Ray, Cory and Ashton and later on, Will worked hard at getting some more electrical, cabling, sheetrock and a door installed. 

Ashton is loading the screws onto the gun for his Daddy and he had to clip a tape measure on his pocket just like Grandpa . . .

Enjoying a bit of Toy Story 2 while waiting for Ray's birthday dinner - his request? 
A Taco fest. ~ what else?

Brittany and Ashton lighting Grandpa Ray's birthday candles on his Grasshoppper Ice Cream Pie

Ashton blows out all the candles for Grandpa Ray

Ethan and Megan , playing Ray's latest favorite game, "Ticket to Ride."
Ashton, Ray, Cory and Hunter ~ Grandpa Ray gets all 49  candles out all by himself this time!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest

"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other, wings." ~Hodding Carter

Shere Khan, the mighty tiger visits us ~ Ashton didn't only just model his Halloween costume, he knew exactly what his character should do . . . frighten everyone out of his jungle!
Grandma Sandy sewed Halloween Trick or Treat Bags for all the grandchildren
as well as Halloween pillowcases

Ashton and Brett get an early start at their creations.  
Sandy, Ethan, Megan, Cory & Ashton supposedly all hard at work . . . get busy all of you!

Ethan had major knee surgery, replacing his missing ACL and rebuilidng the miniscus.
He couldn't really do much, but gave us lots of sound advice . . .

Our creative contestants: Arianne, James, Brittany, Cory, Ashton, Brett, Tiffany, Charlie, Ethan, Megan, Ray

It is always fun to see the amazing creations that develop from what was once a simple pumpkin!

All participants get a certificate and prizes

Monday, October 5, 2009

I Like Best of All, Autumn

"I like spring, but it is too young.

I like summer but it is too proud

So I like best of all autumn, because it's tone is mellower, its colours are richer, and it is tinged with a little sorrow.
. Its golden richness speaks not of the innocence of spring, nor the power of summer, but of the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age. It knows the limitations of life and is content." ~ Lin Yutang

A glorious Sunday afternoon on the Nebo Loop, September 27, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fresh Artichokes Anyone?

Okay, so we were in the garden center this spring and saw some artichokes in four inch containers and decided to give one of them a try . . . and we have been pleasantly surprised - this lovely plant with large leaves was growing mightly all summer . . . but it wasn't until August that little artichokes showed up.  We have enjoyed several now - their were a total of seven artichokes on the plant, so if they survive this upcoming cold spell . . . we will still have  a few more to enjoy this fall and with Hollandaise sauce on the side.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Savoring the last of summer

The family is both the fundamental unit of society as well as the root of culture. It ... is a perpetual source of encouragement, advocacy, assurance, and emotional refueling that empowers a child to venture with confidence into the greater world and to become all that he can be.~ Marianne E.Neifert

So we decided to grab the last of summer by its tail and head to the mountains. Normally we go camping several times during the summer, but this whirlwind summer found it hard to catch a free week-end to go, so we decided, no matter the weather, we were going!  Ethan & Megan arrived Thursday night late and we stayed up talking until the new day had arrived.  Megan & I shopped for groceries while Ethan got the canoes ready to go.  We packed up the trailer and as soon as Ray got home from work, we headed south up to Payson Lakes, hoping to find a camp site in time . . . we were pleasantly surprised to find many campsites available and had our pick of some nice pull throughs. The weather was pleasant, a couple of storms came through, but it was soon shining again and we enjoyed the cooler weather, the peace and beauty of the mountains.

 Ethan reading The Numerati, by Stephen BakerRay & Megan took Jacob & Charlie out in the canoe fishing and the little boys pulled in quite a few . . . Jacob caught three and Charlie caught two!  They were pretty excited about their adventure . . .

Megan, who is a great cook is putting together some really great chipotle chili.

Arianne, Charlie and James arrived late Friday . . . they were the front runners in a three car pile-up on the free-way.  The car that collided into the car that then collided into the back of Arianne's van, left the scene of the accident. Fortunately, no was seriously injured and after ascertaining that the people and vehicles were okay, which took a couple of hours, they were on their way again.  We are so grateful that it was not more serious than it was and they were able to come up.

We took the older grandchildren fishing one day and Sydni pulled in a nice one, with a little assistance from
big brother Jacob.

Damien and Danielle, Jacob, Sydni, Kourtni and Allyson came up on Saturday. Ally didn't feel well, so
she was not a happy camper that night . . .

Ethan and Damien kept us well supplied with plenty of hot coals for the Dutch Ovens and we had some nice meals . . . Spicy Chicken Tortilla Soup, Apple Dumplings, Chipotle Chili, Frank's Dutch Oven Potatoes, Breakfast Burritos . . . yummmmmmm.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Zachary & Ashlee's wedding

Zach & Ashlee's wedding ~ it was a beautiful day in Rexburg and there was such joy in their faces!
And it was a joy for me to see this side of the family again.
The Rexburg temple has beautiful wheat motifs throughout in the stained glass, carpet, etc and outside on the east side of the temple was a golden field of ripe wheat moving gently in the breeze - just lovely!

Ray & Sandy, Ashton, Brittany, Cory & Hunter

Ashton practicing his photography on the temple with Cory, Hunter, Brittany, Kjiersten, Jeremy and Ray

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hallelujah: A NovelHistorical fiction, I really enjoyed reading Featherstone's account of Handel writing the Messiah. I had to turn the music on and listen to it while I was reading and I am still singing!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Family Fourth of July Fun

I'm trying to catch up on all of the summer fun . . .here are some shots from the week surrounding the Fourth of JulyEthan and Megan playing at Willard Bay with the kids (James, Ashton & Charlie)
Hunter catching a few winks under the shade at Willard Bay Beach
Building sandcastles while waiting our turn on the Jet skis
Arianne, Ethan, Ashton, Grace, James, Brittany, Charlie
Showing my true colors - I love this country we live in and
I am so grateful for the freedoms we enjoy
"Freedom isn't free
You've got to pay the price
You've got to sacrifice for your liberty . . ."
from Let Freedom Ring,
by Paul & Ralph ColwellWe all took turns cooking . . . Jesse & Cori served these colorful Patriotic Parfaits for breakfast on the 4th.
We were all really impressed by the well organized and fun events planned by Westpoint City . . . for several days there were lots of fun activities in the park for children and adults alike, a parade, fabulous fireworks, team competitions, races, lots of food, and educational displays.
Our cheerleaders at the Westpoint Independance Day Parade
Charlie, Jacob, Grace, Sydni & Grant
Jesse, Grant, Cori & Grace
Charlie, Arianne & James
I've always said our children have a healthy competitive spirit . . . and they were all gung ho to join the pie eating contest. Brittany, Damien and Ethan joined about twenty others to see who could gobble a strawberry, banana cream or chocolate pie the fastest . . . Damien tied for first place with another young man! Goooooo Demo!!! And can you believe they were all still hungry for pizza after this????
Watching the parade
Funny faces galore . . .
Jacob, Sydni, Ashton & Kourtni
Cori & Cory, Ethan & Ray formed teams for the Horseshoe contest - they didn't win, but came close and had a great time competing. Playing in the park one evening~ Kourtni, Grace, Sydni, Grant and Ethan

Cori & Jesse hiked Mt. Loafer trail and spent the night near the summit. Grace, Grant & I went up to drop them off at the trailhead in Payson Canyon.
Summer fun in Grandma & Grandpa's backyard.
Sydni, Allyson, Grace & Kourtni - our little sunshine girls.
Doesn't that look like pure joy? Kourtni & Gracie - catching a few rays . . .
We made several batches of playdough ~ Grant & Jacob created some interesting monsters. . .
Sydni and Grace cooking up something good to eat.
One of our favorite places to camp
Ashton, Grace & Grant at Payson Lakes
That's one lucky Papa Ray getting a backrub from Grace while Cori mans the grill.