Sunday, May 1, 2011

He Has Risen!

"He is risen! He is risen!
Tell it out with joyful voice
He has burst his three days' prison
Let the whole wide earth rejoice
Death is conquered; man is free.
Christ has won the victory."
~ Hymns, 199

I love Easter, with all its hope and promise of new life, new joy and eternal tomorrows.
Cori and Jesse and their sweet family, Grace, Grant and Eden were up for Sarah's graduation, Brittany and Cory, Ashton and Hunter came for the Easter week-end, and Arianne and Will, Danielle and the kids were all here for part of the week-end's celebration.
 Grant, Hunter, Ashton, Grace Cory  and Brittany working on some colorful creations at our Easter Egg dying activity Friday afternoon.
 Eden, 8 months old now, is such a sweet baby, she just sat and watched all the fun and quietly retrieved interesting things from the table . . .she is just beginning to crawl . . . and would scoot across the floor to whatever she needed.  So cute, I just wanted to keep squeezing her in a big hug. 
 Ashton and Grace ~ the kids were all so polite, "Could you please pass the pink?" And they waited patiently for their requested color if it was not available, or decided to use a different one.  There was not one spill, not even a broken egg ~ except the one Grammie Sandy dropped!
 Grant, Cory and Hunter ~ we were just laughing at the cute jokes and funny stories they were telling
 Papa Ray reading/singing one of his favorite stories, "This Old Man" to a rapt audience, Grace, Grant and Ashton
 We're ready!  The weather cancelled our Easter Egg Hunt outside in the yard, but inside works just as well.
Grant, James, Kourtni, Ashton, Hunter, Sydni, Grace, Jacob and Ashton with their baskets and ready to go.
 Hunter, James and Grant ~ searching
 Ashton~ finding lots of Eggs
 Let's see what you've got! Ashton, Grace and Charlie
Sarah came over with her  "Dance, Dance Revolution" and everyone got into the action!
We had some great dancers and we all had a great time and got a good work-out!
Grant, Sarah, Jacob, Jesse, Ally, Grace, Danielle, Sydni and Charlie

1 comment:

Jesse said...

Thanks again for a GREAT weekend! Love all your pictures.