"Be not afraid of greatness:some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them."~ William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
"We will draw the curtain and show you the picture." Acti. Scene 5
Thursday, May 17 found us at the Enoch Grade School ready to watch the 2nd graders production of Twelfth Night. I must say, I was so looking forward to this production, and amazed that an elementary school teacher would take on the challenge of such a project. We have such great teachers in Utah, but some are truly extraordinary, and I think Mr Heaton is one of those who stands above the crowd.
When we walked into the auditorium, Mr. Heaton was greeting the guests. I told him we were Charlie's grandparents and we were so looking forward to this evening! He said to me, "I want you to know that I have never seen anyone so young do such a great job - Charlie is a great actor!" And he was right! Charlie did such a great job - he was articulate, projected his voice, spoke slowly and clearly and dramatized each line. We were so proud of him !
A quick summary ~ Viola, the main character is ship wrecked in a terrible storm and she and her twin brother, Sebastian are separated and both believe that their twin has drowned in the storm.
Viola, alone in the world, disguises herself as a young man, Cesario and seeks work at the Duke of Illyria's home as a musician. Orsino, the duke, is in love with Lady Olivia, and he sends Viola (in disguise as Cesario) to Olivia's home to woo her for Orsino, but Olivia begins to fall in love with Cesario instead.
Charlie played Malvolio, Olivia's servant, who tries to keep everyone quiet, respectful and out of trouble.
Not everyone appreciates his serious attitude, however and Olivia's uncle, Sir Toby, Feste and Olivia's serving maid decide to play tricks on Malvolio
They convince him that Olivia is falling in love with him ~ and Olivia is convinced that Malvolio has gone mad.
Meanwhile, Viola, still disguised as Cesario is falling in love with the Duke. Her brother Sebastian and his friend, Antonio are looking for Viola.
"This is very midsummer madness." ~ Twelfth Night
"Out of the jaws of death." ~ Shakespeare, Act iii, Scene 4
Everyone starts confusing Sebastian and Cesario. Olivia ends up marrying Sebastian and the Duke is angry because he thinks Viola married his servant, Cesario. Sebastian and Viola eventually find heach other again and Viola can then disgard her disguise and shows the world she is truly a woman.
Final Bows - to a standing ovation.
These kids did a great job! As well as Mrs. G who did a fantastic job on the costumes, Mrs O and Mr H and all those who worked so hard on the scenery, production and providing the time, love and support that goes into a great production.
Charlie as Malvolio ~ great job, Charlie!!!!
James - one of his quiet seconds.
Celebrating at Artic Circle with ice cream sundaes after the show.