Sunday, October 26, 2008

A New Grandson

Ashton was quite taken with this new baby brother and whenever he sees him, whether it is first thing in the morning or after his nap mid-day, or after we were outside playing in the sandbox, he runs by everyone else and goes over to the baby and says, "Hi!"
Dad, Mom, baby Hunter and big brother Ashton

How beautiful and Precious life is!
Hunter is our 10th grandchild and what a lovely baby he is. A bonny eight pounds and 20 inches long, he seems to be a happy, contented little boy. I can never quite get over the miracle of birth - even though I have had six lovely children of my own, Did you know that with a baby's first breath over 800 chemical reactions take place in that little body so they can survive? That alone is miraculous! I am always overcome by the presence of these beautiful little spirits that have come so soon from Heavenly Father's presence. I just like to sit and hold them and bask in their light. They radiate joy and the spirit is so strong. I am ever grateful to be able to witness this and celebrate in their choice to come to earth and gain a physical body and become a part of our Father in Heaven's great plan for us. Hunter we welcome you and feel so blessed to have you a part of our amazing family.

1 comment:

Tiffany Whitelaw said...

I love that last picture of him!